HelpPageConfigurationExtensions Members

The HelpPageConfigurationExtensions type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member GetHelpPageApiModel
Gets the model that represents an API displayed on the help page. The model is initialized on the first call and cached for subsequent calls.
Public method Static member GetHelpPageSampleGenerator
Gets the help page sample generator.
Public method Static member GetModelDescriptionGenerator
Gets the model description generator.
Public method Static member SetActualRequestType(HttpConfiguration, Type, String, String)
Specifies the actual type of ObjectContent passed to the HttpRequestMessage in an action. The help page will use this information to produce more accurate request samples.
Public method Static member SetActualRequestType(HttpConfiguration, Type, String, String, array<String>[]()[][])
Specifies the actual type of ObjectContent passed to the HttpRequestMessage in an action. The help page will use this information to produce more accurate request samples.
Public method Static member SetActualResponseType(HttpConfiguration, Type, String, String)
Specifies the actual type of ObjectContent returned as part of the HttpRequestMessage in an action. The help page will use this information to produce more accurate response samples.
Public method Static member SetActualResponseType(HttpConfiguration, Type, String, String, array<String>[]()[][])
Specifies the actual type of ObjectContent returned as part of the HttpRequestMessage in an action. The help page will use this information to produce more accurate response samples.
Public method Static member SetDocumentationProvider
Sets the documentation provider for help page.
Public method Static member SetHelpPageSampleGenerator
Sets the help page sample generator.
Public method Static member SetSampleForMediaType
Sets the sample directly for all actions with the specified media type.
Public method Static member SetSampleForType
Sets the sample directly for all actions with the specified type and media type.
Public method Static member SetSampleObjects
Sets the objects that will be used by the formatters to produce sample requests/responses.
Public method Static member SetSampleRequest(HttpConfiguration, Object, MediaTypeHeaderValue, String, String)
Sets the sample request directly for the specified media type and action.
Public method Static member SetSampleRequest(HttpConfiguration, Object, MediaTypeHeaderValue, String, String, array<String>[]()[][])
Sets the sample request directly for the specified media type and action with parameters.
Public method Static member SetSampleResponse(HttpConfiguration, Object, MediaTypeHeaderValue, String, String)
Sets the sample request directly for the specified media type of the action.
Public method Static member SetSampleResponse(HttpConfiguration, Object, MediaTypeHeaderValue, String, String, array<String>[]()[][])
Sets the sample response directly for the specified media type of the action with specific parameters.