JiwaWebAPI.Areas.HelpPage Namespace


  Class Description
Public class ApiDescriptionExtensions
Public class HelpPageAreaRegistration
Public class HelpPageConfig
Use this class to customize the Help Page. For example you can set a custom IDocumentationProvider to supply the documentation or you can provide the samples for the requests/responses.
Public class HelpPageConfigurationExtensions
Public class HelpPageSampleGenerator
This class will generate the samples for the help page.
Public class HelpPageSampleKey
This is used to identify the place where the sample should be applied.
Public class ImageSample
This represents an image sample on the help page. There's a display template named ImageSample associated with this class.
Public class InvalidSample
This represents an invalid sample on the help page. There's a display template named InvalidSample associated with this class.
Public class ObjectGenerator
This class will create an object of a given type and populate it with sample data.
Public class TextSample
This represents a preformatted text sample on the help page. There's a display template named TextSample associated with this class.
Public class XmlDocumentationProvider
A custom IDocumentationProvider that reads the API documentation from an XML documentation file.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration SampleDirection
Indicates whether the sample is used for request or response