Debtor Members

The Debtor type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Debtor


  Name Description
Public method Clear
Public method Equals(System.Object)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method NotifyPropertyChanged (Inherited from Entity.)
Public method OnCleared (Inherited from Entity.)
Public method OnRead (Inherited from Entity.)
Public method ReadRecord
Public method ReadRecordFromAccountNo (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public method ReadRecordFromAlternateAccountNo (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public method Search(Form, String) (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public method Search(Form, Boolean) (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public method Search(Form, Boolean, String) (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)


  Name Description
Public property AccountNo (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property AccountNoDashName (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property AccountOnHold
Public property Address1 (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Address2 (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Address3 (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Address4 (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property AltAccountNo (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property BackOrderPriorityDescription
Public property BackOrderPriorityID
Public property BackOrderPriorityWeight
Public property BankAccountName
Public property BankAccountNumber
Public property BankBSBN
Public property BankName
Public property CarrierAccountNo (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property CarrierName (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property ChargeTo (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Classification
Public property ContactName
Public property Country (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property CreditLimit
Public property CurrentBalance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property DebtorID (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property DeliveryAddress
Public property DeliveryAddressCourierDetails
Public property DeliveryAddressDeliveryAddressCode
Public property DeliveryAddressDeliveryAddressName
Public property DeliveryAddressEDIStoreLocationCode
Public property DeliveryAddressNotes
Public property DiscountPercentage
Public property Email
Public property EmailAddress (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property ExcludeFromAging (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Fax (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property FreightForwardAddress
Public property FreightForwardAddressNotes
Public property FXCurrentBalance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property FXPeriod1Balance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property FXPeriod2Balance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property FXPeriod3Balance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property FXPeriod4Balance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property LastSavedDateTime (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property LedgerDebtorControl
Public property LedgerDebtorFreight
Public property LedgerDebtorInsurance
Public property LedgerDebtorSales
Public property LedgerDebtorSourcedReceipts
Public property MailingAddress
Public property Name (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property NameDashAccountNo (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property OnHold (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property ParentDebtor
Public property ParentDebtorID (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Period1Balance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Period2Balance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Period3Balance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Period4Balance (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property PeriodType (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property Phone (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property PostCode (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property PriceSchemeID (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property RecID (Inherited from Entity.)
Public property RemainingNormalSupportPackHours (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property RemainingSpecialSupportPackHours (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property SalesOrder
Public property ServiceName (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property StandingDiscountOnInvoices (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property TaxExemptionNo
Public property TaxExemptNo (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property TermsDays (Inherited from Debtor.)
Public property TermsType (Inherited from Debtor.)


  Name Description
Public event Cleared (Inherited from Entity.)
Public event PropertyChanged (Inherited from Entity.)
Public event Read (Inherited from Entity.)