You are here: Sales > Sales Order Utilities > Group Sales Orders > Selected Grouping

selected grouping of sales orders

Sales orders can be individually selected or selected in a block by using Shift + left click for a block and Ctrl + click for individual sales orders.  Clicking Group Selected groups under the first sales order in the selected list.  More than one grouping can be done in the same form.



Sales Order Entry Sales Order Utilities Group Sales Orders


Select relevant debtor account from the search window


Select the appropriate Status


Click Go to populate the grid with relevant sales orders


Select relevant sales orders by using

  • Shift + left click and click the first and last relevant sales order for a block; or
  • Ctrl + left click and click individual sales orders; or
  • A combination of both methods


Click Group Selected


Click Yes to the question 'Group all selected sales orders to the order xxxxxx-DOx'


Repeat steps 5 to 7 as required


Click Process to complete the action answering Yes to the question 'Group orders as defined in the tree'

The header sales order has lines inserted and the History field for each line is updated with the text 'Moved from xxxxxx-D0x'  The sales orders that have had lines grouped to another sales order has the field History updated with 'Moved to xxxxxx-D0x'

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