You are here: Sales > Sales Order Utilities > Group Sales Orders > Defining Group Sales Order Form

defining group sales order form


Field Description


Selected from the search window.  Sales orders for that client that meet the Status criteria are populated into the grid - top left corner of the form


There are only two options - Open and Processed


Clicking Go populates the grid with relevant sales orders

Group Selected

Groups all selected sales orders under the first sales order in the list

Group All

Groups all sales orders displayed under the first sales order in the list


Cancels the current selections and allow allows you to start the process again


Clicking Process groups the sales orders as selected


Displays all the sales orders that meet the select criteria. Sales orders can then moved to the Grouped Orders pane as required

Existing Order No.

Sales order numbers that meet to selected criteria

Order Date

Original Initiated date of the sales order

Order Value

Total ordered value of the sales order

Number of Lines

Reflects only the lines that are available for grouping - i.e.

  • Open - lines with deliveries and back orders
  • Processed - only back ordered lines

Grouped Sales Orders

Order number

Tree display of the grouping of the sales orders

Order No.

Displays the lines of the highlighted sales order - either a specific order or the header grouped sales order with all the lines from the sales orders grouped under it

Order Number

Relevant sales order number

Part Number

Part number from the sales order


Associated inventory description

Qty. Ordered

Total quantity ordered

Qty. Back Ordered

Quantity on back order per line

Qty. Delivered

Total quantity per line to be delivered


Ex GST unit price of each line

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