You are here: Sales > Sales Order Line Delivery Processing > Defining Sales Order Line Delivery Processing Form

defining sales order line delivery processing form


Field Description

Batch No.

Automatically inserted on save.  System numbers form field SalesDeliveryProcBatchNo

Date Activated

Server date the form was activated

Created By

Login name of the user creating the form.  Cannot be edited

Split non delivered lines

Where ticked, lines in the grid that are not ticked are split off to a new sales order.  The original sales order is updated with a Split Orders tab that lists the new sales order(s) and quantities split to those orders.  The new invoice references the source sales order in the Record menu, Drill to Source Order xxxxxx

Flag Sales Orders

Where ticked, updates a custom field in This Sales Order - Automatically Process This Invoice that can then used by the JiwaSOBatchProcessTool.exe to process the sales order unattended.  

Split Back Ordered

Where ticked, lines in the grid that where there is insufficient stock to allocate to the sales order are split off to a new sales order.  The original sales order is updated with a Split Orders tab that lists the new sales order(s) and quantities split to those orders.  The new invoice references the source sales order in the Record menu, Drill to Source Order xxxxxx


The grid is populated with the first and last records in the database.  Make changes as required before clicking Go to populate the grid with the sales order lines that meet the selection criteria

Specific Warehouse

Prompts to the active warehouse.  Change from search window if required.  If box is not ticked, relevant sales orders for all warehouses are displayed

Invoice No

Sales order number – select from search window or type in


Select from search window or enter in account number

Part No

Select from search window in type in details. 

Fwd Order Date

Prompts for first and last dates in the database.  Enter changes in manually

Scheduled Date

Prompts for first and last dates in the database.  Enter changes in manually

Forward Orders

Lines from sales orders that meet the selection criteria are displayed in the grid once Go has been clicked.  Lines can be deleted from the grid using the waste bin.  Columns can be sorted with a left click over the column heading

Invoice No.

Invoice number attached to each line


Debtor account for each sales order

Part No.

Part number details from the sales order.  Includes non physical inventory items and non inventory items


Description for each part number


Quantity being ordered

Forward Order Date

Date details from each sales order line – cannot be edited in this form.  Changes would need to be made in each sales order

Scheduled Date

Current scheduled date for each line - cannot be edited in this form..

Deliver Stock

Enter in new date details as required – line by line

Quantity to Deliver

Enter in the stock quantity to be delivered, if available.  Short falls in supply will either be created as a back order in the sales order or split off to another sales order if Split backordered to a new sales order is ticked.

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