You are here: Sales > Creating Sales Orders > Specifics of a Sales Order > Adding Non Inventory Items

adding non inventory item to a sales order

Non inventory item details can be entered from scratch or based on an inventory item and specific details edited as required.


1. Right mouse click on the Line No. field where the item is to appear and click Insert Non-Inventory Item
2. The Non Inventory Item dialog box is displayed
3. Enter part number, description, costing and pricing details.  Set correct tax rate and confirm sales ledger; OR
  Select an inventory item from the Use Details From field and edit as required
4. Click OK to execute the dialog box
5. To edit any of the details, double right mouse click Part No or Description to load the non inventory dialog box again

A non inventory item cannot be added into a 'Kitted' item.  Attempting to do so will insert the line above the kit header

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