You are here: Sales > Creating Sales Orders > Specifics of a Sales Order > Defining Non Inventory Form

Non Inventory Form

Field Description
Part No Part number code that displays on the sales order and is printed on the invoice.  Number does not have to be unique
Use Details From Select from the inventory search window if the non inventory item is to be based on an existing inventory item
Description Details of the product or service
Use Serial No's When ticked, serial number details can be entered in the sales order form by double clicking the Serial Number(s) field in the sales order grid and entering the details in the Insert Serial Numbers For dialog box
Physical Item Tick if the item is physical.  Has no impact on the posting to the General Ledger
Allow Price Overrides If ticked, prices can be changed in the sales order grid
Weight Enter details if applicable
Cubic Size Enter details if applicable
Units Description that appears on reports
Decimals Quantity value - e.g. if set to 2, 2.75
Cost Unit cost of the item.  Is not posted to the General Ledger but is included in sales reports
Sell Price Ex GST unit selling price
R.R.P. Unit R.R.P. price
Minimum GP% Enter value.  No checks are applied in the sales order
Tax Rate GST/VAT rate applicable to the item
Direct Tax Not applicable under GST/VAT
Classification Prompts to Default - No Classification.  Select the relevant classification and the Ledger field is populated with the associated sales account
Purpose Category 1 details - select relevant category.  Used in sales reports
Material Category 2 details - select relevant category.  Used in sales reports
Product Type Category 1 details - select relevant category.  Used in sales reports
Ledgers Linked to the selected classification.  Can be changed if required.  This is the account that total Ex GST sales value for the item is posted to



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