You are here: Sales > Sales Order Utilities > Reduce Deliveries > Defining Reduce Deliveries Form

defining reduce deliveries form


Ranges are populated with the first and last record in the database.  Defaults can be left as populated or specific criteria set

Field Description

Part No.

Select from the search window or manually enter the part number.  An invalid entry displays the search window for selection

Sales Order

Select from the search window or manually enter the required sales order numbers.  An invalid entry displays the search window for selection


Select from the search window or manually enter the account number.  An invalid entry displays the search window for selection


Prompts to the current active warehouse.  Can be changed from the search window

Use Custom Column Info

When ticked changes to the form layout are retained by user


Populates the grid with the sales order that meet the selected criteria


Closes the form


Clicking Process updates the sales orders as required.  The sales order field History is updated with the details of the deliveries reduced


Order Number

Sales order number

Customer Account

Debtor account number attached to the sales order

Part Number

Part numbers on the sales order that have deliveries on the current snapshot


Populated from the inventory record

Qty Left

Current available stock in the selected warehouse

Qty. Ordered

Original ordered quantity

Qty. Prev Delivered

Stock delivered on previous snapshots

Qty BO

Quantity still on back order

Qty. Delivered

Stock delivered on the current snapshot

New Qty. Delivered

Quantity you want to be delivered on the current snapshot.  Only a value less than Qty. Delivered will be accepted.  An amount greater than Qty Delivered cannot be entered

Required Quantity

Is populated with (Qty. Delivered - New Qty. Delivered) and represents the new back ordered quantity.  Entering a value in this field updates New Qty. Delivered.  

New Qty. Delivered + Required Quantity will always equal Qty. Delivered

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