You are here: Sales > Creating Sales Orders > Specifics of a Sales Order > Automatic POS Popup for Cash Sales

automatic pos popup for cash sales

Breakout code can be implemented to force the load of the POS Popup screen on saving a sales order under specific conditions.  In the following example, when the debtor belongs to a specific sales group saving a sales order displays the POS Popup:



Record  Manage Breakouts


Code to be added to the Form Loaded breakout point

Public Function IsDebtorCashSale(SalesOrderObject)


Dim rHwnd

Dim ReturnValue

      ReturnValue = 0

      With SalesOrderObject.Database


            rHwnd = .StatementOpen(.ConnectionRead1,,,0)

            SQL = "SELECT CN_Group.Description " _

                  & "FROM CN_Group " _

                  & "JOIN CN_GroupLink ON (CN_Group.GroupID = CN_GroupLink.GroupID) " _

                  & "JOIN CN_Main ON (CN_Main.ProspectID = CN_GroupLink.ProspectID) " _

                  & "WHERE CN_Main.DebtorID = " & .FormatChar(SalesOrderObject.DebtorID)

            If .ExecuteSelect(CInt(rHwnd), SQL) = True Then

                  .BindMem Cint(Rhwnd), 1, vbString

                  Do While .FetchRow(Cint(rHwnd)) = True

                        If Trim(UCase(.GetData(Cint(rHwnd),1))) = "CASH SALES" Then

                              If ReturnValue = 0 Then

                                    ReturnValue = 1

                              End If

                        ElseIf Trim(UCase(.GetData(Cint(rHwnd),1))) = "CASH ONLY" Then

                              ReturnValue = 2

                              Exit Do

                        End If



                  MsgBox "Error : " & .ErrorMessage

            End If


      End With

      IsDebtorCashSale = ReturnValue

End Function



Code to be added to Sales Order Save Before breakout point

Dim DebtorCashSaleType

Dim TenderedResult

      DebtorCashSaleType = IsDebtorCashSale(SalesOrderObject)

      If DebtorCashSaleType > 0 Then

            TenderedResult = AmountTendered(SalesOrderObject, FormObject)

            If TenderedResult = 0 Then

                  rtnCancel = True

            ElseIf (DebtorCashSaleType = 2 And TenderedResult <> 1) Then

                  rtnCancel = True

                  MsgBox "This debtor belongs to the CASH ONLY group." & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "You must tender at least the invoice amount.", vbOkOnly + vbExclamation, "Insufficient Payment"

            End If

      End If

End Sub



Create debtor groups Cash Sales and Cash Only in the Debtor Configuration   Groups form.  Attach relevant debtors to the appropriate group in the Main, Contacts tab of the debtor record


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