You are here: Reports > Purchase Order > POINF020 - Outstanding Purchase Orders

POINF020 - Outstanding Purchase Orders

Description: This report displays the details, Purchase Order, Supplier No. Order, Supplier Name Order, or in part number order, of the quantities still to be received on purchase orders. Supplier name, purchase order number and dollar values are also included. Parameters can be set for part number, supplier and classification. Includes selection capability for Supplier Selection range, Part No. range, Inventory classification range and warehouse in summary or detailed style.    

Report Criteria Enter Required Values

Select Warehouse Group

Physical;Logical ;Ungrouped

Select Report Style

Detail ;Summary

Select Sort Order

PO No;Supplier No;Supplier Name;Part No

Select PO Status

All ;Committed ;Uncommitted

Select Physical Warehouse


Select Logical Warehouse


Due By


Select Starting Part No


Select Ending Account No


Select Starting Creditor Account


Select Ending Creditor Account


Starting Inventory Classification


Ending Inventory Classification


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