You are here: Reports > Purchase Order > POINF010 - Recommended Re-Order Report

POINF010 - Recommended Re-Order Report

Description: Displays the suggested order quantity by part number taking into account current stock on hand, existing back orders and outstanding purchase orders and minimum stock on hand requirements. An estimated cost based on the last cost paid is also calculated. Parameters can be set for part number, classification, logical and physical warehouses. Can be selected to run in Supplier or Part no. order.    

Report Criteria Enter Required Values

Select Grouping

Physical Warehouse;Logical Warehouse;Ungrouped

Select Physical Warehouse


Select Logical Warehouse


Select The Second Group

Supplier;Part Number

Select Starting Supplier Account


Select Ending Supplier


Select Starting Part No


Select Ending Part No


Select Starting Classification


Select Ending Classification


Check SOH Levels For


Include Slow Moving Items

No ;Yes

Include Obsolete Items


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