You are here: Reports > Job_Costing > JCMGT110 - Job Costing Actual Vs Budget Variance

JCMGT110 - Job Costing Actual Vs Budget Variance

Description: Displays the Job Costs compared to Budget and the Variance between the two. There are various selection criteria.

Report Criteria Enter Required Values
Selecting Start & Ending Job Number Defaults to the first and last records in the database. Select from the search window or manually type in the job number
Select Starting & Ending Cost Centre Defaults to the first and last records in the database. Select from the search window or manually type in the Cost Centre
Select Starting & Ending Stage Defaults to the first and last records in the database. Select from the search window or manually type in the Stage
Select Starting & Ending Job Group Defaults to the first and last records in the database. Select from the search window to change
Select Starting & Ending Job Status Defaults to the first and last records in the database. Select from the search window to change
Select Starting & Ending Job Priority Defaults to the first and last records in the database. Select from the search window to change

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