You are here: Reports > Inventory > ININF026 - In Stock Bin

ININF026 - In Stock - bin

Description:   Details the quantity and dollar value of the inventory on hand, INCLUDING unprocessed sales orders, grouped and sub-totaled by the warehouse bin, or part number order. The quantity and unit cost per part number is displayed. Serial numbers are also displayed where applicable. Parameters can be set for part number or warehouse bin.

Report Criteria Enter Required Values
Select Grouping Physical Warehouse;Logical Warehouse
Select Physical Warehouse Select from the drop down list.
Select Logical Warehouse Select from the drop down list.
Select The Group Bin Location – Part;Part – Bin Location
Select Report Style Summary;Detail;Consolidated - Warehouse
Select Starting Part No Select from the drop down list.
Select Ending Part No Select from the drop down list.
Product Expiry Date Restriction Products – All;Products – With An Expiry Date;Products – Not Using Expiry Dates
Enter Expiry End Date 02/09/2002

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