You are here: Reference Guide > Table Structures > ToDo > TD_Main



This table stores the details of each ToDo, including the module it may be linked to.


ToDo's are created from the various modules that support ToDo's - e.g. sales orders, purchase orders or from System ToDo's ToDo Maintenance



Linked To/Supplied

TodoID char (36)


TodoNo char (20)


Subject varchar (255)


Body text  
Priority int  
Duration int  
AssignerID char (20) HR_Staff.StaffID
AssigneeID char (20) HR_Staff.StaffID
ReminderEnabled bit Yes/No
ReminderTrigger int  
ReminderPredefinedSetting int  
ReminderSpecificDateTime datetime  
ReminderSoundEnabled bit  
ReminderSoundType int  
ReminderSoundName varchar (100)  
ReminderSoundClip image  
RecurrenceEnabled bit  
RecurrencePattern int  
RecurrencePatternSetting int  
RecurrencePatternCustomWeekCount int  
RecurrenceEndMode int  
RecurrenceEndModeSetting varchar (50)  
LinkEnabled bit Yes/No
LinkSource varchar (50) Description of the module the ToDo is linked to - e.g. Sales Orders, Debtors etc
LinkID char (36) Linking table - main ID. e.g. DB_Main.DebtorID
LinkTodoTypeID char (36) TD_ToDoTypes.RecID
UsesStatusTracking bit Yes/No
LogicalStatusID char (36) TD_LogicalStatuses.RecID
CompletePercentage int  
NotifyWhenComplete bit Yes/No
UsesTodoScript bit Yes/No
TodoScript text  
LastModifiedDateTime datetime  
LastModifiedByStaffID char (20) HR_Staff.StaffID
TodoView text  
LastSavedDateTime datetime  
DueDateTime datetime  
NextDueDateTime datetime  
FinishDateTime datetime  
NewInstance bit  
ReadFlag bit  

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