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Receipts Tables Overview

Purchase orders are created to restock inventory levels to maintain minimum stock on hand requirements and fill outstanding back order requests and to order non stock items.  Receiving slips then record the details of goods and services as they are supplied and the originating purchase orders are updated with this information.  As invoices are received from the suppliers, purchase invoices based on the receiving slips are raised and activated to record the liability.  

Purchasing & Receiving Diagram



Table Details

PO_Main stores the header record for purchase orders, including header records for fax and EDI acknowledgment.  PO_Lines record the line detail of purchase orders, including stock already allocated for back orders and is updated with quantities delivered as receiving slips are saved.  

Table RE_Main is used to store the header records for receiving slips as inventory and services as they are delivered and supplied.  This table is updated with an invoiced status when purchase invoices are created based on the receiving slips.  RE_Lines details individual receival details, including freight, duty and insurance costings.  Inventory classification codes and descriptions are also stored. RE_OrdersUsed stores the linking between the receiving slips and purchase orders they were based on.  PO_Lines is updated with delivered quantities as receiving slips are saved.

Table PI_Main stores the header record for purchase invoices, including freight, duty and insurance charged on the total invoice.  PI_Lines stores purchase invoice details, including the linking line by line back to the receiving slip details.  Line charges for freight, duty and insurance are stored in this table.  PI_Receipts details the linking between the invoice and the receiving slips used to create the purchase invoice.

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