You are here: Reference Guide > Table Structures > Cash Book > BR_CBTransOLD



Stores the details of direct debtor and creditor transactions entered under a previous data structure version - 6.4.14SP5 and prior to allow these old bank reconciliation batches to be read, viewed and printed if needed.


General  Ledger Cash Book Bank Reconciliation



Linked To/Supplied

CBTransID char (20)


LastSavedDateTime datetime  
BankRecID char (20)  
LineNum smallint  
LineLinkRef varchar (20)  
TransDate datetime  
LineReference varchar (50)  
DRAmount float  
CRAmount float  
Remark varchar (50)  
Reconciled bit  
LedgerID char (20)  
LedgerAcc varchar (50)  
DebtorCreditor smallint  
DebtorCreditorID char (20)  
ReceiptPayment smallint  
TransType char (20)  
DiscountLedgerID char (20)  
HomeDiscountTaken float  
SupplierAmount float  
CurrencyRateUsed float  
SupplierDiscountTaken float  
ParentDebtorID char (20)  
BankName varchar (50)  
BankAcc varchar (50)  
BSBN varchar (20)  
AccountName varchar (50)  
AllocatedAmount float  
PaymentTypeID char (20)  
Approval varchar (255)  
HomeTaxID char (20)  
HomeTaxAmount float  
HomeTaxRate float  
DiscountTaxID char (20)  
DiscountTaxAmount float  
DiscountTaxRate float  

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