You are here: Sales > Quoting > Defining Quote Form > Totals


Details in this tab are updated when a quote or a snapshot of a quote is saved or edited.  History Total is the Inc GST value of goods quoted on each snapshot INCLUDING courier and freight charges.  Additional information can be set for each snapshot

Field Description
History No Snapshot history number.  Automatically entered
History Date Initiated date of the quote
Quote Total History Total is the Inc GST value of goods quoted on each snapshot INCLUDING courier and freight charges
Expiry Date Calculated from the History Date plus Expiry Days.  Changing date changes Expiry Days
Expiry Days Populated from Invoicing system setting DefaultQuoteExpiryDays.  Can be edited and it updates Expiry Date
Expected Close Date Populated with the Expiry Date on creation of the quote.  Can be manually updated
Opportunity Status Select from drop down list box
Opportunity Stage Reason Select from drop down list box setup in Opportunity Maintenance form, Opportunity Status Reasons
Sales Stage Select from drop down list box setup in Opportunity Maintenance form, Sales Stages
% Complete Populated from Opportunity Maintenance form, Sales Stages
Note Manually entered additional information as required

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