You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Warehouse Transfers > Details


Displays the inventory details related to the supplier return credit. The items section of the form can be populated from the Supplier Return Shipping, added to the grid by selecting Add From PO and manually entered or selected from the search window.

Field Description
Order No. Purchase order number that's been attached at either Request, Shipping or Credit stage
Request No. Batch number where the Shipping Return was based on a Shipping Request
Shipping No. Supplier Return Shipping number that's been attached to the Credit
Part No. Populated from the Return Shipping document, selected from the search window when Add From PO is selected or manually added to the grid
Description Inventory Part description
Return Code Populated from the Supplier Return Shipping or selected from the list box if the part number has been manually added to the grid
Return Description Description attached to the Return Code
Quantity Requested Quantity of stock that was entered in the Supplier Return Request
Quantity Shipped Quantity of stock that was entered in the Supplier Return Shipping
Quantity Selected Quantity of stock credit is being processed for
Quantity Selected Cost Total cost of items selected
Previous Quantity Credit Quantity previously credited on the Return Shipping document(s) attached to this credit
Quantity This Credit Quantity being credited
Total Quantity Credited Total of previous and current quantity being credited
Unit Credit Value  
FX Rate Current FX Rate from the Foreign Exchange records and can be changed manually - applies only to FX creditors
FX Unit Credit Value FX value of the credit being claimed
FX Average Quantity Selected Cost FX average cost for the items being processed
Total Credit Value Total dollar amount of the credit being processed
FX Total Credit Value Total FX value of the credit being processed
Completed Tick this box to complete the processing of this line. This is automatically ticked and can't be unticked when lines are added at the Credit stage
Tax Rate Populated with the Adjust Out from the inventory record except where the shippment is for an FX creditor when the rate is set to No Tax
Tax Rate % Percentage rate attached to the Rate above
Tax Amount GST value included in the total credit
Total Amount Inc. GST Total including GST
Note Free form text
Click on this icon to delete the line



Field Description
Shipped Qty Total quantity of all inventory parts that were shipped
Credit Qty Total quantity of inventory parts that have been credited
Return Value - Local Total value of the credit
Credit Value (Ex GST) - Local Total value of the credit excluding GST
Credit Value (Inc. GST) - Local Total value of the credit including GST
Return Value - FX Currency Total value of the credit in FX currency if the creditor uses foreign exchange
Credit Value (Ex GST) - FX Currency Total value of the credit excluding GST in FX currency if the creditor uses foreign exchange (GST is not applicable for FX creditors)
Credit Value (Inc. GST) - FX Currency Total value of the credit including GST in FX currency if the creditor uses foreign exchange (GST is not applicable for FX creditors)

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