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System settings

The code lengths for job codes, cost centres and stages are set in the System Configuration form under the Job Costing tab. There is one critical setting in this tab:

ID Key Default Description
UseJobCosting Yes This setting must be ticked and the Jiwa licence registration code enabled for Job Costing for this module to operate
JobCodeLength 3 Length of the job number
CostCentreLength 3 Length of the cost centre number
StageLength 3 Length of the stage number
CodeSeparator - The character between the job code, cost centre and stage e.g. 100-200-100
ReceiveGoodsAgainstJobWIP Yes When ticked, lines in the GRN grid attached to a job are directly allocated to the job on activating (back order records where part number and job cost centre and stage match are automatically reduced). When un-ticked, stock is inserted into stock on hand


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