You are here: Job Costing > Configuration > Classifications


Classifications are used to assign General Ledger account numbers to each stage attached to each Cost Centre on a job for journal entries when transactions are committed against Jobs.

Field Description
Description Type in the description required for each classification. There must be at least one classification entry
WIP Expected Asset and Expected Liability These accounts are used by Purchase Orders where job codes are attached at the line level of the purchase order. When stock is received/booked in then transactions raised by the purchase order are reversed
WIP Delivered Asset This account is used by GRN's and Shipment Book-ins where stock is being receipted against job codes at the line level. Where the system configuration setting in Job Costing - ReceiveGoodsAgainstJobWIP is ticked this account is not used. The account used instead is that attached against Work In Progress - see below.
WIP Delivered Liability This account is used by GRN's and Shipment Book-ins where stock is being receipted against job codes at the line level
Work In Progress Used by Job Cost Entry, Time-sheet, Produce Finished Goods, sales order processing for a Job Invoice and GRN's/bookins where Job Costing - ReceiveGoodsAgainstJobWIP is ticked
Job Revenue Used when processing a job invoice created under sales orders - income account
Job Cost of Goods Used when processing a job invoice created under sales orders - costs of the job being invoiced
Timesheets Cost recovery account when recording time against a job
Resources Cost recovery account when recording resource costs against a job
Write On Used when processing a job invoice created under sales orders and additional costs are being costed against the job
Write Off Used when processing a job invoice created under sales orders and not all the accumulated costs are being costed against the job e.g. actual costs exceed quoted costs

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