You are here: Inventory > Viewing Information > Debtor Sales and Budget Information

Sales Information 

A special inquiry screen exists in Jiwa to provide detailed sales information for inventory items, the results can be sent to the screen for printing or exported.  The viewing options in this screen can be adjusted to view any level of detail required.  Ranges are entered for various categories of information and the screen is then refreshed with the requested data.  This information can be sorted into various orders.  New parameters can be entered and the data once again refreshed and sorted.

From Eg for part number 1150 only - From and To fields will be 1150. fields will be the same. To and From For a single selection from a class, the date field defaults to 2 years prior to the current system date. From The ranges are entered for the criteria required. The default ranges for this query specify the first and last records for each class of information. To and

This inquiry screen can be accessed from either:

 When this screen is accessed from the inventory record, details for that part number are automatically displayed until selection criteria details are changed and refreshed 

Selecting Data Ranges



 Inventory Sales Details 


Criteria Details 


Part No - type in or select from search window


Description - linked to the inventory record


Invoice No - the range of sales order numbers, including back to back sales orders.  Type in or select from search window


Date - start and end dates for the data being queried


Customer - select one or a range of customers from search window


Category 1 - 5 - as set up for your location. Select from search window


Classification -of the inventory items.  Select from search window


Supplier -one or a range of suppliers can be selected from the search window


Quantity -type in any limitations required for the data extraction


Sales Value -enter lower and upper limits for the search


Order No - the range of purchase order numbers to be included in the query


Click Go to execute the query based on the parameters set


Sort Options - select the order for display from the list box and the data is immediately refreshed, in ascending order for the sort order selected.   The sort order can be changed as often as needed and the data is refreshed as a new sort order is selected.  Set Descending to reverse the sort order displayed


Click Defaults button to cancel range selection and return the criteria to the default values - first and last records in each category


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