You are here: Inventory > Inventory Reports Overview

Inventory Reports Overview

Lists the standard Inventory reports available, click on the required link to get more information on the required report. Stock maintenance, stock on hand, value of stock and other related information are listed below.

Available Reports

ININF000 - Inventory Maintenance Listing

ININF010 - Stock On Hand

ININF022 - In Stock By Category

ININF024 - In Stock BySupplier

ININF026 - In Stock By Bin

ININF028 - In Stock By Part By Warehouse

ININF041 - Stock On Hand With Allocations

ININF050 - Inventory Classification Maintenance Listing

ININF055 - Inventory Control

ININF066 - Inventory Quantity As At

ININF070 - Backorders Inventory to Assemble

ININF080 - Backorders Stock Required for Assembly

ININF100 - Inventory Assembly - Incomplete

ININF101 - Specific Pricing

ININF103 - Specific Pricing By Parts

ININF110 - Kit Style Component Listing

ININF120 - Price List

ININF130 - Cost Price List

ININF150 - Serial Number Listing

ININF160 - Sales Ranking

ININF170 - Inventory Turnover

INTRN010 - Inventory Transfers

ININTRN050 - Stock Take

INTRN060 - Stocktake - Active Stock

SOINF083 - All Back Order Listing

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ININF000 - Iinventory Maintenance Listing

ININF010 - Stock On Hand

ININF012 - Stock On Hand

ININF022 - In Stock

ININF024 - In Stock

ININF026 - In Stock

ININF028 - In Stock

ININF046 - Stock On Hand With Allocations

ININF050 - Inventory Classification Maintenance Listing

ININF055 - Inventory Control

ININF070 - backorders Inventory to Assembly

ININF101 - Specific Pricing

ININF103 - Specific Pricing By Parts

ININF110 - Kit Style Component Listing

ININF120 - Pricelist

ININF130 - Cost Price List

ININF170 - Inventory Turnover

INTRN010 - Inventory Transfers

INTRN060 - Stocktake - Active Stock

INTRN070 - Stocktake Form - Active Stock

INTRN080 - Stocktake Form - All Stock

SOINF080 - BO and O/s Orders