You are here: Inventory > Price Updates > Standard Price Batch

Standard Prices Batch 

This form can be used to update the Sell Price, Last Cost, RRP, and Sales Cost prices for the entire inventory or for a selected range, depending on the selection criteria.


1. Inventory   Utilities  Price Updates  Standard Price Batch
2. Select required ranges from the grid by the lookup search arrows
3. Select the boxes for each value to be changed: Sell Price, Last Cost, RRP and/or Sales Cost
4. Source is the basis on which the price update is to be based on. Select from the list box
5. Mode - select from the list box the mode of increase / decrease. None will automatically apply what is entered in Amount as the price
6. Amount - type in the dollar or percentage value. If the value is to decrease use a minus in front of the value e.g. -2.50 with mode of percentage means -2.5% off the source price
7. Click the Apply button to perform changes or Close to cancel operation

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