You are here: Inventory > Price Updates > Special Prices

Special Prices 

Special Prices can be set for existing stock on hand and applied when sales orders are created. For example, to reduce the price of older stock or promotional strategy for selling inventory lines different prices can be set for different data lines of existing stock.  The price can apply to the entire stock on that line or the stock can be split multiple times to apply the various prices.

These prices are automatically applied in sales order entry provided its included as an element in the price scheme. The special prices can be selected from the pricing search window if not automatically applied. 


1. Inventory Price Updates Special Prices
2. Select inventory records from lookup search arrow to add to the grid or change the criteria range and click Load
3. Add or delete lines as required
4. Type in special prices
5. Where serial numbers apply, each item of stock is displayed on a separate line and the special price needs to be entered against each line
6. Click Process to perform the changes or Close to cancel operation

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