You are here: System Settings > Inventory

Inventory System configuration

Important system settings to consider are:

IDKey Default Description
LockPartNo Yes Disabled changes to the Part Number field in the Inventory Maintenance record. Unitck this option if part number is to be changed BUT ensure this is done with advice from your Jiwa Solution Provider
UseWriteOnOff No Post additional entries to the Write On / Write Off accounts when trasnferrring stock between two Part Numbers
BinLocationMode N/A Enables the use of Bin locations to receive into and select stock from. It is used in conjunction with the System Setting GrabSOHFromDefaultBin (see below) and System - ForceInventorySelection. Bin Location descriptions are entered and stored by Warehouse in the Bin Location form accessed from Inventory  Configuration
Sales/BudgetsIncTax No Sales and budget details for the Inventory to include the Tax Charged on Sales
RRPLabel RRP Default form label used for RRP field
Aux1Label Version Default form label used for Aux1 field
Aux2Label UPC Default form label used for Aux2 field - general used to store the Bar Code or the Universal Code
Weight Label Weight Default form label used for Weight Label field. Any value in here is used in Purchase Orders and Sales Orders and is totalled to reflect the weight of the order for container size and courier charges
Cubic Label Cubic Size Default form label used for Cubic Label field. Any value in here is used in Purchase Orders and Sales Orders and is totalled to reflect the cubic area of the order for container size and courier charges
Category1 through to Category5 Category 1 etc Default Category 1 description as displayed in Inventory records. Categories can by used for searching and reporting purposes
StockTakeRowCountLimit 500 Default maximum number of rows to return when creating a Stock Take
UpsellPrimaryCatNo Category 1 Default primary Upsell Category. Upsell Products are setup in the Alternate Upsell Products tab and are used in Sales Orders to add additional items to a Sales Order or Quote - e.g. would you like french fries or a coke with that? The DisplayProductUpsellPopUp setting must be ticked and the Record Settings Display Product Up-sell Pop-Up selected in Sales Orders and Quotes for the form to display for product selection
UpsellSecondaryCatNo Category 2 Default secondary Upsell Category. See notes above
BudgetUnitsAndDollars AreTied   Any changes to the budget units apply changes to the budget value and vice-versa or not
SecondaryCostLabel Secondary Cost Label caption as displayed in the Inventory Maintenance form. This field is not used in the standard application and must be updated by breakout or manually for use in custom reports etc.
DefaultMatrixProduct Upate Yes There is a default tick for all inventory items in the SizeColourStyle Matrix
BillOfMaterials Default BuildOption Build Bill Option defaults to Build Bill for each new Manufacturing Requisition form
BillOfMaterialsDefault SubAssemby Option Always Build The default option for the sub assembly creation is set to Always Build when creating a new Manufacturing Requisition
ShowBackOrdersFor Unprocessed SalesOrders No Unprocessed Back Orders will not be shown in Inventory records unless the default is changed
EnableOldAssembly No Allows Old Assembly to be utilised for disassembly of an item. It is recommended that this setting not be used without consultation with [email protected].
BillOfMaterialsSOHQty IgnoreBackOrders No Must be ticked if the users wants to ignore all Back Orders in Manufacturing Requisitions
AllowSubAssembyWith NoComponent No If the user wishes to permit a Sub Assembly with no Component, this default must be changed
BillofMaterialsAuto Update BillDetails Yes An automatic update of Bill details will take place unless this switch is turned off
BillofMaterialsAllow ComponentAddition Yes Allows component addition on an activated Manufacturing Requisition unless switched off
UpdateLastCost FinishedGoods Yes Automatically updates the Last Cost of finished goods unless switch is turned off
BillofMaterialsCopy Document ToMR No If switched on will allow the copy of documents from Bill Maintenance to Manufacturing Requisition
BillofMaterialsSub ssemblyDisplayLastCost No Display the Last Cost of Sub Assembly if switch is turned on
BillofMaterialsAlloc ToBOMode Raise BO for all
required stock
Allocates the Bill of Materials to Back Order mode
WarehouseSummary Stored ProcedureName usp_JIWA_Warehouse

Default used to populate the Warehouse Summary tab of Inventory Maintenance
StoredProcforInventory OnBackOrderGrid usp_JIWA_Inventory
Default used to populate the grid 'On Back Order' in Inventory Maintenance
StoredProcforInventory OnOrderGrid usp_JIWA_Inventory
With_ Shipment_Info
Default used to obtain a list of Orders for the current Inventory item
StoredProcforInventory OnUnprocessedSales OrdersGrid usp_JIWA_Inventory
Default used to obtain a list of Unprocessed Sales Orders that the current Inventory item appears on
StoredProc ForInventoryOn Forward SalesOrders Grid sp_JIWA_Inventory_
Default used to obtain a list of Forward Sales Orders that the current Inventory item appears on
OnShipComplete SalesOrderGrid
Default used to obtain a list of Ship Complete Sales Orders that the current Inventory item appears on
StoredProcforInventory OnWIPGrid usp_JIWA_Inventory
Default used to obtain a list of BOM batches which the current Inventory item appears as WIP
StoredProcforInventory TransactionHistoryGrid usp_JIWA_Inventory _BuildGrid_TransactionHistory Default used to obtain audit trail for the current Inventory item
ManualRefreshFor InventoryTransaction History No Switch on to allow the Transaction History to be manually updated by clicking the GO button
StoredProcForFinding SerialNumbers OnSalesOrders usp_JIWA_Inventory_Find
Default used to obtain Serial Numbers that have been used on Sales Orders or Sales Order Credit Notes. The enquiry form that uses this stored procedure is Inventory  Serial Number Tracking



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