You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Maintenance > Supply


This tab displays Supplier information for each inventory part number. If the field 'Order Enabled' is ticked then there must be at least one supplier and supplier warehouse attached to the record. There are two sections in this tab that store the supplier details - Regions and Suppliers.

Field Description
Regions - Order Enabled Facilitates unique supplier for each warehouse
Supplier Are added to the grid by loading the search window attached to the line. Multiple suppliers can be added to the grid, but one must be set as the default
Supplier Part No. Displays the supplier part number. Creating a new inventory item populates this field with the Jiwa part number unless edited. This field is generally used in purchase order reports
Default A default supplier must be selected and will be used when automatically purchasing goods
SpareFloat1 to 3 Custom fields that can be used for customer specific information
SpareString1 to 3 Custom fields that can be used for customer specific information
SpareDate1 to 3 Custom fields that can be used for customer specific information
Warehouse The supplier warehouse related to the supplier displayed above
Home Cost The home cost associated with this supplier warehouse. The field is updated according to system settings in Purchase Orders, Receiving, Landed Cost and Purchase Invoice
Foreign Cost The last cost associated with this supplier warehouse. The field is updated according to system settings in Purchase Orders, Receiving, Landed Cost and Purchase Invoice
Delivery Days Days required from point of order to the expected delivery
Order units Number of units ordered - in lots of 10
Default Tick this for the relevant warehouse
Freight Default for freight charges
Duty Default for duty charges
Home Cost 2 Second home cost associated with this supplier warehouse and is manually or custom updated
Foreign Cost 2 Second foreign cost associated with this supplier warehouse and is manually or custom updated
SpareFloat1 to 3 Custom fields that can be used for customer specific information
SpareString1 to 3 Custom fields that can be used for customer specific information
SpareDate1 to 3 Custom fields that can be used for customer specific information

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