You are here: Inventory > Creating Inventory Records > Changing Inventory Details > Change or Delete Supplier

Change or Delete Supplier

Supplier records can be changed at any time. They cannot however be deleted if outstanding purchase orders exist i.e. Status <> to Closed for that item.


1. Inventory Maintenance Supply 
2. Select part number from search window
3. Suppliers - click the Wastebasket to remove creditor record and the Supplier Warehouse(s) record is also deleted
4. To add a new supplier, select from the Supplier search window, edit the supplier part number if needed and set as default if appropriate. Complete the Supplier Warehouse details
5. Save changes

There may be one of two warnings that will display on saving.
'You cannot delete the supplier for this part. The supplier is being used on document: Purchase Orders: xxxxxxx." The purchase order is not yet Closed. Complete the purchase order and set the status to 'Closed' to allow the supplier to be removed from the inventory record
'Region Default Region is enabled, but does not have a default supplier. One supplier must be nominated as the default'. Either add a new supplier and set it as the default or un-tick Order Enabled

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