You are here: Debtors > Defining Debtors Maintenance > Sales


The sales and budget details are listed for last, this and next year. The budget information can be typed in or auto inserted by using the Auto Set Value at the bottom of the form. The data that is displayed here is controlled by the system setting in System - CurrentFinancialYearStart. This field is automatically updated when Yearly Roll Over - Application Roll is performed or it can be manually updated.

Field Description
Budgeted GP % Enter the budgeted gross profit percentage. This figure can be used by the Purchase Order Generation form using the Sales Forecast re-order method
Month Lists the months for the financial year
Last Year Sales Sales figures are recorded in the relevant months for last year
Last Year Budget Budget figures per month for last year
This Year Sales Sales figures are recorded in the relevant months for this year
This Year Budget Enter in budget figures per month for this year either manually or using Auto Set Value
Next Year Budget Enter in budget figures per month the next year either manually or using Auto Set Value
Auto Set Value Type in the value to be used and select the criteria from the drop down box
Click to populate the grid with information from the Auto Set Value and criteria selected.

This field is disabled when Include Branch Debtors is ticked

Include Branch Debtors Tick when displayed figures are to include all sales and budgets for Branch debtors

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