You are here: Debtors > Defining Debtors Maintenance > Header


This part of the form displays general information related to a debtors account.

Field Description
Account No. The account given to a debtor when creating the account. Account number can be manually entered or will automatically be generated based on the Description DebtorNo in the form System Numbers
Name Debtor name which is used in formal correspondence with the customer - e.g. sales order invoices, debtor statements etc.
Phone No. Debtor phone number
Fax No. Debtor fax number
Email Email address for this debtor. This can used to email out invoices, debtor statements and reports. Use a semi colon to enter in multiple addresses - e.g. [email protected]; [email protected]
BO Priority Select from the drop down list the Debtor Back Order Priority; Normal, Low or High.
Alternate Account. No. Insert an alternate account number if required. Can be used when the outstanding invoices are factored with a finance company
BPay Reference Automatically generated based on an algorithm provided by BPay.
Tax Exempt No. Type in the Tax Exempt No where appropriate. Any data in this field will automatically set GST rate to 0.00 when created sales orders and quotes when the Invoicing system setting UseTaxExemption is ticked. This enables the field Tax Exempt No in sales order and quotes.
Classification Select from the drop down list.
Trading Status This field is automatically populated when creating a new record based on the Debtor system setting DefaultTradingStatus. Select from the drop down list to change - Active or Inactive. When set to Inactive, no transactions can be created for the customer - they don't appear in the list for selection

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