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Dispersing invoices 

A single Debtor invoice transaction can be dispersed to many ledger accounts - there is no limit.  The only restriction is that the total of the dispersals must agree with the transaction amount being dispersed and that the total of the form must agree to the total being dispersed.  A message appears on the bottom of form indicating the amount if the dispersal is not balanced:


1. Trans Amount - the Inc GST total invoice amount. Type in amount
2. Dispersed Amount -the different amounts to be posted to various ledger accounts.  Type in relevant amount in a new line.
3. Ledger Number - for the transaction dispersed.  Select from search window or type in manually
4. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 until the debtor invoice has been dispersed completely
5. Repeat Steps 1 through to 4 until the form is completed
6. Save and activate

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