You are here: Debtors > Invoices & Adjustments > Data Entry Forms Defined > Adjustments - Grid


Debit adjustment value is entered in the Write On Amount field and credit adjustment in the Write Off Amount field. Both values are positive.

Field Description
Item No. Automatically allocated as transactions are added to the grid. Can be used to sort the grid in the order transactions were recorded
Debtor Select from the search window or manually enter the account number
Invoice / Remittance No. A number must be entered before the form can be activated. A missing invoice number warns on activating 'Cannot have a blank Invoice / Remittance No.'
Date Automatically defaults to the current login date and can be changed as needed so long as all dates in the form are within the same General Ledger period
Due Date This field is calculated according to the Terms on the debtor record - Credit tab Term Days and Type e.g. 21 days from invoice. Date can be overwritten
Ledger Number Populated from the debtor record and can be changed from the search window or manually entered. Write On Amount uses the Debtor Debit Adjustment account and Write Off Amount the Debtor Credit Adjustment account
Write On Amount Inc GST amount of the debit adjustment
Write Off Amount Inc GST amount of the credit adjustment
GST Description GST to be calculated on the transaction and can be changed by selecting from the list box
GST Amount Disabled field that displays the GST being charged on the transaction. Changing the rate updates this field
Reference Automatically populated with the debtor account number and name and can be edited. This information is populated into the Reference field of the Transactions tab in the debtor record
Remark Data entered into this field is populated into the Remark field of the Transactions tab in the debtor record

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