You are here: Creditors > Creditor Reports > CRINF010 - Creditors Maintenance Listing

CRINF010 - Creditors Maintenance Listing

Description: This report lists the creditors details – name, mailing address and contact numbers – phone and fax. Allows data to be included or excluded – groups, contacts, warehouse address, banking details, balance and general information.

Range Caption Range Value
Report Grouping Classification; Ungrouped
Report Sort Order Creditor Account No; Creditor Account Name
Select Starting Account Defaults to the first creditor account number in the database
Select Ending Account Defaults to the last creditor account number in the database
Select Starting Classification Defaults to the first creditor classification in the database
Select Ending Classification Defaults to the last creditor classification in the database
Select Report Style Detail; Summary
Include Creditor Groups Yes; No
Include Contacts Yes; No
Include Warehouse Addresses Yes; No
Include Banking Details Yes; No
Include Balance Yes; No
Include General Yes; No

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