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Creditors System configuration

Settings in the tab System System Configuration Creditors tab manage the default settings which control the functionality of different aspects within the Creditors and how they will work

The most important settings are;

IDKey Default Description
DefaultPeriodType Monthly Upon creation of a new creditor. This default period type can be changed to 'weekly' or 'fortnightly' and 'monthly' by selecting from the drop down list.
LockAccountNo Yes Editing of the creditor account number is only allowed if this switch is turned off. It is not recommended to alter the account number once transactions have been entered in to a creditor account though it can be done if needed
SuggestRemitNo No Automatic generation of the remittance number for a creditor transactions based on batch and line number of the transaction, otherwise the field is enabled for data entry.  The form cannot be saved without data in this field
JournalGrouping Yes Determines if the journal will sub-total by ledger account number and sign or create a posting (debit and credit) for every line of the input form – for both sides of the journal entry, in creditor sourced transactions only – i.e.  Creditor Purchases, Creditor Credit Note etc. 
MaxTransPerPage 20 Maximum number of lines allowed per cheque in creditor cheque printing
AlternateRemittance No Use Alternate Remittance Report
NextLineOnEnter Normal  No longer applicable
Yes Each creditor transaction is automatically paid in full when a new cheque payment is created.
ChqPayIncludeCrNotes Yes Unallocated credit notes are included on cheque payments for local creditors. The form will not save if the credit amount > total invoice amount for the creditor. Credits will be allocated against the oldest invoice(s) when activated
DefaultChequePaymentType EFT Default Cheque Payment type for new Cheque Payments. This default can be changed to 'Cheque' if required
ValidateABN No

Validate the creditor ABN. This switch will issue a warning and the user can continue to enter data - 'Creditor has a blank or an invalid ABN number'

WarnOfDuplicateInvNos No Warn of previous creditor purchases with this invoice no for this creditor – applies only to Creditor Purchases. 
RemoveZeroPaymentLines Yes When saving a new creditor cheque payments form, any line with zero payment against the transaction are removed on the save event.  
RoundingAccForFXTransactions   Rounding Account for Foreign Exchange Transactions.
The stored procedure used to display the data on the Unprocessed Purchased form grid.
Default Trading Status Inactive Upon creation of a new creditor. This default can be changed to 'Inactive' or 'Active' by selecting from the drop down list

InvoicedOrders Grid

_On InvoicedOrder

The stored procedure used to display the data on the Invoiced Orders form grid
The stored procedure used to display the data on the Processed Purchases form grid
AutoSetAllocationDateToMostRecent No When checked, new allocations made will use the most recent date between the debit and the credit

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