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cash book system configuration

Settings control both the receipts and payments forms.  

Key Default Description
ReceiptsSuggestRemitNo No Sets this default check box to Yes/No when creating a new receipts form.  Yes – and the remittance number is inserted on saving – based on Batch number + line number – e.g. 0002-013
ReceiptsInheritRef No Automatically inherits data from the row above that’s been entered in the fields Reference and Remark
ReceiptsAutoSubTotal No Automatic sub-totalling of the bank totals based on the Remit No field.  Determines the journal posting to the bank account.   Can be manually controlled when this box is unchecked by a left click in the column Bank Sub Total to sub-total up or down a line
ReceiptsInheritPaymentType No Automatically inherits the payment type from the line above – field Payment Type.   Data is set up in the form Maintain Payment Types
ShowLedgers No Sets the check box to Yes/No to display the Ledger accounts in the Cash Book grid.  Ledger accounts can then be changed if required
PaymentsSuggestRemitNo No Sets this default check box to Yes/No when creating a new payments form.  Yes – and the remittance number is inserted on saving – based on Batch number + line number – e.g 0002-013
PaymentsInheritRef No Automatically inherits data from the row above that’s been entered in the fields Reference and Remark
PaymentsAutoSubTotal Yes Automatic sub-totalling of the bank totals based on the Remit No field.  Determines the journal posting to the bank account.   Can be manually controlled when this box is unchecked by a left click in the column Bank Sub Total to sub-total up or down a line
PaymentsInheritPaymentType Yes Automatically inherits the payment type from the line above – field Payment Type.   Data is set up in the form Maintain Payment Types
WarnOfDuplicateRemitNos No Displays a warning message where the same remittance number for the same creditor has been entered on another payment form
UpdateDebtorBank No Determines whether debtor banking details in the Financial tab are automatically updated.  A tick box at the end of each controls the updating of the debtor record
PaymentsAutoActivateOn No Default the Auto Activate checkbox to ticked on the creation of a new Payments form.  Checking this box will automatically update Creditors and General Ledger and close the form on saving
ReceiptsAutoActivateOn No Default the Auto Activate checkbox to ticked on the creation of a new Receipts form.  Checking this box will automatically update Creditors and General Ledger and close the form on saving
JournalGrouping No Controls whether the ledger accounts from the grid are grouped on account number in the journal posting.  The posting of the Bank ledger is determined by the values in the column Bank Sub Total
SalesOrderPaymentProcessing AlternativeBankAccount   Alternative Bank Account to be used by Sales Order Processing when creating Cash Book Receipts for payments

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