You are here: Administering Jiwa > Printing Reports > Postcards


The PostCard system is an additional module to the main Jiwa product requiring the appropriate registration numbers to be generated to allow access to the module. The purpose of the PostCard module is to enable debtor statements, shipment reports, purchase orders, creditor remittances etc to be sent out to customers through the Internet or fax. The email or fax address is passed from the Debtor record.

The reports can be exported using either:

Crystal Export - choose a format (eg Rich Text) and then a destination - either Mail of Disk File. If the ’Send to Disk’ option is chosen, a file name must be selected. The report for each debtor is then written in the specified format to this file. Breakouts can be used to manipulate the information for each debtor.

Printer Export- choose a printer with a disk file port set up in the control panel. With this option, the system will prompt for a new file name for each debtor. The disk file can then be processed by a breakout.

The following Jiwa reports are currently designed to be exported via the PostCard system:

Debtors Statements


Shipments for the last 3 days


Outstanding Back Orders


Shipments and Outstanding Back Orders (this is the two reports above combined)


Purchase Orders


Creditor Cheque Remittances


User reports can be developed to be used with the PostCard function and breakouts implemented to manipulate the data for each debtor, creditor account etc.

When sending debtor statements in the PostCard module, the From and To Group range allows users to specify which debtors are to receive statements and how they are to be sent. (Refer:this chapter, Debtor Statement Printing).

To set up the Debtor Groups:

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Adding PostCards to the Menu

Using PostCards