You are here: Administering Jiwa > Day To Day Processing > Back Order Processing

Back Order Processing 

This operation processes sales orders and assemblies that have stock on back order awaiting delivery.  Inventory that has been received will be processed into these orders and builds. Invoices can be printed by selecting the Print Invoices or run off at a later stage. 

Process Sales Orders must be run after back order processing to update the sales orders and other details.

Activating the Process Only Back Orders For button allows you to select the sales order type for back order processing.  Extended Inventory Selection allows this process to be run for only the selected inventory items.

The process can also be restricted to a specific warehouse or can be run for a single invoice.



Sales Order Entry  Back Orders Process Back Orders 


Sales Order Printing - check Print Invoices to print as back orders are filled, otherwise leave unselected


Warehouse – select for a specific warehouse, otherwise leave as All Warehouses


Specific Invoice – check the Specific Invoice button to process a single invoice. Select the invoice/ sales order from the search window.

NOTE: Processing for a single sales order can be performed where the back order is Automatic and there are NO Back to Back order records.


To process:

  • ALL orders waiting for products -  leave the Process Only Back Orders For button unselected
  • By sales order type - check the Process Only Back Orders For box and then the order type from the activated list box


Extended Inventory Selection – to specify inventory part numbers to be run into outstanding sales orders.  Select part numbers from the extended search window

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