JiwaTextCellType Members

The JiwaTextCellType type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CanBeOverflown (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method CancelEditing (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method CanOverflow (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method Clone (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method Deserialize (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method Dispose (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method Equals(System.Object)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Protected method FireEditingCanceled (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Protected method FireEditingStopped (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Protected method FireEditorValueChanged (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Public method Format (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method GetEditorControl(Appearance, Single) (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method GetEditorControl(Control, Appearance, Single) (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method GetEditorValue (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method GetErrorIconBound (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHorizontalAlignment (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method GetObjectData (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method GetPreferredSize(Control) (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method GetPreferredSize(Graphics, Size, Appearance, Object, Single) (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method GetReservedCursor (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method GetReusableEditorControl (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Protected method GetTextRectangle (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetVerticalAlignment (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method InitializeEditorControl (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Protected method IsCaretInTheBeginning (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Protected method IsCaretInTheEnd (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Protected method IsCaretInTheFirstLine (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Protected method IsCaretInTheLastLine (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method IsPropertySupported (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Public method IsReservedKey (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method IsReservedLocation (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method IsReusable (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method IsValid (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method PaintCell(Graphics, Rectangle, Appearance, Object, Boolean, Boolean, Single) (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method PaintCell(PdfGraphics, RectangleF, Appearance, Object, Boolean, Boolean, Single) (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Protected method PaintEnhancedConditionalFormat (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Public method Parse (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method Serialize (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method SetCurrentCulture (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method SetEditorValue (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public method ShowSubEditor (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method StartEditing (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method StopEditing (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Protected method ToHorizontalAlignment (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Protected method ToVerticalAlignment (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)


  Name Description
Public property AcceptsArrowKeys (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property AllowArrowKeysMoveActiveCell (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property AutoCompleteCustomSource (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property AutoCompleteMode (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property AutoCompleteSource (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property AutoFillAutoCompleteCustomSource (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property BackgroundImage (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property ButtonAlign (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property CharacterCasing (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public property CharacterSet (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public property DrillDownClassName
Public property DrillDownID
Public property DropDownButton (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property EnableSubEditor (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Protected property ExtraRendererSettings (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Public property FocusPosition (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property HotkeyPrefix (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public property IsDrillDown
Public property MaxLength (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public property Multiline (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public property NullDisplay (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property PasswordChar (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public property ReadOnly (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property ScrollBars (Inherited from TextCellType.)
Public property ShrinkToFit (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property Static (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property StringTrim (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property SubEditor (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property TextOrientation (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property TextRotationAngle (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)
Public property WordWrap (Inherited from EditBaseCellType.)


  Name Description
Public event EditingCanceled (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Public event EditingStopped (Inherited from BaseCellType.)
Public event EditorValueChanged (Inherited from BaseCellType.)