ProjectInstaller Events

The ProjectInstaller type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public event AfterInstall
Occurs after the Install(System.Collections.IDictionary) methods of all the installers in the Installers property have run.
(Inherited from Installer.)
Public event AfterRollback
Occurs after the installations of all the installers in the Installers property are rolled back.
(Inherited from Installer.)
Public event AfterUninstall
Occurs after all the installers in the Installers property perform their uninstallation operations.
(Inherited from Installer.)
Public event BeforeInstall
Occurs before the Install(System.Collections.IDictionary) method of each installer in the installer collection has run.
(Inherited from Installer.)
Public event BeforeRollback
Occurs before the installers in the Installers property are rolled back.
(Inherited from Installer.)
Public event BeforeUninstall
Occurs before the installers in the Installers property perform their uninstall operations.
(Inherited from Installer.)
Public event Committed
Occurs after all the installers in the Installers property have committed their installations.
(Inherited from Installer.)
Public event Committing
Occurs before the installers in the Installers property committ their installations.
(Inherited from Installer.)
Public event Disposed
Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose method.
(Inherited from Component.)