PurchaseOrder Members

The PurchaseOrder type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method PurchaseOrder


  Name Description
Public method CleanUp
Cleans up.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method Clear
Public method CloseOrder
Public method Copy
Public method CreateNew()()()()
Public method CreateNew(PurchaseOrder..::..SupplierType, PurchaseOrder..::..NewOrderSeedTypes, String, PurchaseOrder..::..PurchaseOrderType)
Public method CreateObjRef(System.Type)
Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method Delete
Public method Deserialise(PurchaseOrder)
Public method Deserialise(String)
Public method Equals(System.Object)
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Find
Finds the specified read mode.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method GetContactNames
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetInventoryIDFromPartNo
Public method GetInventoryIDFromUPC
Public method GetLifetimeService
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Public method GetNextWorkflowStep
Public method GetPreviousWorkflowStep
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method InitializeLifetimeService
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone(System.Boolean)
Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method MoveToWorkflowStep
Public method NotifyPropertyChanged
Notifies the property changed.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnClearEnd
Called when [clear end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnClearStart
Called when [clear start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnClosed
Public method OnClosing
Public method OnCopyEnd
Called when [copy end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnCopyStart
Called when [copy start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnCreateEnd
Called when [create end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnCreateStart
Called when [create start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnDeserialiseEnd
Called when [deserialise end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnDeserialiseStart
Called when [deserialise start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnReadEnd
Called when [read end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnReadStart
Called when [read start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnSaveEnd
Called when [save end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnSaveEnding
Called when [save ending].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnSaveStart
Called when [save start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnSerialiseEnd
Called when [serialise end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnSerialiseStart
Called when [serialise start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public method OnUnClosed
Public method OnUnClosing
Public method Read
Public method Save
Public method Search
Public method Serialise()()()()
Public method Serialise(String%)
Public method Setup
Public method ToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method UnCloseOrder


  Name Description
Public property AbstractPermissionCollection (Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property Attention
Public property BackToBackSalesOrder
Public property BaseFindSQLQuery (Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property ChangeFlag
Flag indicating if the record is in a changed state.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property Client (Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property ClientClassName
Public property ContactBy
Public property Creditor
Public property CustomFields
Public property CustomFieldValues
Public property DefaultTodoFilter
Public property DeleteFlag
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [delete flag].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property DocumentNo
Public property Documents
Public property EmailLogs
Public property FixedFilterString (Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property GenericObjectCollection
Gets or sets the generic object collection.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property Header5
Public property InsertFlag
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [insert flag].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property InvoiceDetails
Public property IsAutoReordering
Public property IsCreating
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is creating.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property IsDeserialising
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is deserialising.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property IsReading
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is reading.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property LastSavedDateTime
Public property LineCustomFields
Public property Lines
Public property LogicalWarehouseInTransit
Public property LogicalWarehouseOrderingFrom
Public property LogicalWarehouseResidingIn
Public property Notes
Public property OrderDate
Public property OrderID
Public property OrderNo
Public property OrderStatus
Public property OrderStatusOriginal
Public property OrderSupplierType
Public property OrderType
Public property PackSlips
Public property PropertiesChanged
Gets the properties changed.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property RecID
Unique identifier for the record
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property RecIDFieldName
Public property Reference
Public property Region
Public property ReOrderMethods
Public property SalesOrderLines
Public property SelectedReorderMethodKey
Public property ShippingAddress
Public property SortFieldValue
Public property SortOrder
Gets or sets the sort order.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property SortOrders
Gets or sets the sort orders.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property Staff
Public property SystemSettings
Public property TableName
Public property Tag
Gets or sets the tag.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public property TaxTotal
Public property TodoFilter
Public property Todos
Public property TotalFx
Public property TotalGross
Public property TotalNet
Public property UseInTransit
Public property WarehouseColumnName
Public property Workflow


  Name Description
Public event ClearEnd
Occurs when [clear end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event ClearStart
Occurs when [clear start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event Closed
Public event Closing
Public event CopyEnd
Occurs when [copy end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event CopyStart
Occurs when [copy start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event CreateEnd
Occurs when [create end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event CreateStart
Occurs when [create start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event DeserialiseEnd
Occurs when [deserialise end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event DeserialiseStart
Occurs when [deserialise start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event PropertyChanged
Occurs when a property value changes.
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event ReadEnd
Occurs when [read end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event ReadStart
Occurs when [read start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event SaveEnd
Occurs when [save end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event SaveEnding
Occurs when [save ending].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event SaveStart
Occurs when [save start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event SerialiseEnd
Occurs when [serialise end].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event SerialiseStart
Occurs when [serialise start].
(Inherited from Maintenance.)
Public event UnClosed
Public event UnClosing