Cash Book Receipts 

The Process Sales Orders function creates Cash Book Receipts batches where payment details have been recorded in the Payments tab of the sales order AND the payments details have the Process button ticked.

The bank account that is used is controlled by the Invoicing system setting UsePaymentTypeBankAccounts.

The transaction date in the Payments tab determines the date of the batch regardless of when the sales order is processed.  A new batch is created where none exists for that payment date.  The Invoicing system setting BatchGrouping determines how the cash book receipt batches are created / appended to as follows:

The receipts batch inserts the sales order number into the Remit No. field and allocates the payments up to the value of the invoice that has been processed into the debtor account.  Multiple payments against one invoice are allocated to the value of each payment

Entering Payments with a sales order

Processing from the Screen

Processing from the Menu

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