You are here: Reports > Inventory > ININF041 - Stock On Hand With Allocations

ININF041 - Stock On Hand With Allocations

Description:   Displays stock on hand, unprocessed stock, backorder allocations, other allocations and outstanding purchase order quantities, including the dollar value of stock on hand and in stock (stock on hand + unprocessed stock). Grouped and sub-totaled by Warehouse, classification, supplier, bin and part number order. Parameters can be set for warehouse, part number, classification, supplier.

Report Criteria Enter Required Values
Select Physical Warehouse Select from the drop down list.
Select Logical Warehouse Select from the drop down list.
Select Starting and Ending Part No Prompts the first and last records in the database. Change by selecting from the search window
Select Starting and Ending Classification Prompts the first and last records in the database. Change by selecting from the search window
Select Starting and Ending Supplier Prompts the first and last records in the database. Change by selecting from the search window
Show Parts With No Supplier Yes / No
Select First Grouping Physical Warehouse; Logical Warehouse; Classification; Category 1-5; Supplier; Bin Location; Part No; None
Select Second Grouping Physical Warehouse; Logical Warehouse; Classification; Category 1-5; Supplier; Bin Location; Part No; None
Select Third Grouping Physical Warehouse; Logical Warehouse; Classification; Category 1-5; Supplier; Bin Location; Part No; None
Show 0 Value Rows Yes / No


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