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New Warehouse Transfer Outwards

There are quite a few options in the way that warehouse transfers can be used.  This is the basic vanilla version.

System Settings


1. Inventory Warehouse Transfer Outwards
2. Create a new record
3. Select To warehouse from search window
4. Type in or select part number from search window
5. Type in Quantity Ordered
6. Type in Quantity Trans. – select from serial number dialogue box that displays.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 until complete
8. Save changes
9. Record, Activate and stock is immediately transferred to the To warehouse

To cancel the transfer, a new warehouse outwards form needs to be created in the destination warehouse.  There is no reversal or cancel option

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Using In Transit Warehouse

Using Picking

Additional Costs

Serial Numbers / Bin Locations

Back Orders

Filling Back Orders

Cancelling Back Orders