You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Warehouse Transfers > Order


Only physical inventory items can be ordered on a warehouse purchase order.

Field Description
Line No Displays the order the part numbers were added to the purchase order 
Part No. Automatically populated if Auto Search is selected otherwise part numbers can be selected from the search window or manually typed in
Description Populated from the Inventory record and can be over typed if the system setting AllowAlternateDescriptions is enabled
Qty Recommended re-order quantity is populated when the item is added to the grid. Can be manually edited
Ex Price Displays the Last Cost from the Prices tab of Inventory
Tax Rate This field is populated with the GST Inwards rate from the inventory record
Tax Amount Total tax being charged for that item for the quantity being ordered
Inc Price Inc GST unit price for the item
Line Total Total GST inclusive value of the line for the quantity being ordered
Prev Del Updated as transferred stock is received

Refer to Purchase Orders > Defining Purchase Orders > Order for additional information on this form

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