You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Warehouse Transfers > Items


The Items tab displays the details of stock ordered and transferred together with associated transfer inwards documents where In Transit warehouse is used.  Additional costs where applicable are also display in the lines.

Field Description
Part No. Automatically populated from the warehouse outwards form.  Cannot be edited and new lines cannot be added

Automatically populated from the warehouse outwards form.  Cannot be edited

Quantity Trans.

Quantity transferred via the outwards form

Quantity Delivered

Actual amount received on this form and any other activated forms linked to this outwards form.  Multiple warehouse inwards can be created from one warehouse outwards form

Stock Details

Double right mouse click in the cell to load the stock details form that displays costs, serial numbers and bin numbers where relevant

Total Trans Cost

Total cost of stock lines selected for transfer

Total Weight

Quantity Transferred * Weight from inventory master record (where recorded)

Total Cubic

Quantity Transferred * Cubic from inventory master record (where recorded)

Quantity Received

Quantity entered as received on the active form

Stock Details

Double right mouse click to view details of stock received in on this form including serial numbers and bin locations where relevant

Total Received Cost

Total cost of goods received/transferred in

Added Cost

Total apportioned cost per line

Added Cost Ledger 1, 2 and 3

Ledger account applicable to Added Cost 1.  Is automatically populated from the System Maintenance form and change be changed by selecting form the search window

Comments Details entered in here are updated into the new stock on hand record

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