You are here: Inventory > Stock Adjustments > Warehouse Transfers > Total 


The totals area of the Items tab displays the details relevant to the total stock being transferred.  The additional costs grid in only enabled when an In Transit warehouse is used and costs are only applied where Cost Based is selected.

Field Description
Added Cost Method Select from the list box – Cost Based, Ignore Added Cost, Blank
Transferred Cost Total item costs of stock being transferred – i.e. Quantity * Unit Cost
Freight Manually entered cost.  The description is setup in System Configuration Inventory
Insurance Manually entered cost.  The description is setup in System Configuration Inventory
Storage Manually entered cost.  The description is setup in System Configuration Inventory
Total Cost Total value of stock being transferred – i.e. cost of stock plus additional costs
Total Weight Quantity Transferred * Weight from inventory master records (where recorded)
Total Cubic Quantity Transferred * Cubic from inventory master records (where recorded)

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