You are here: Inventory > Price Updates > Debtor Class Batch

Debtor Class Batch 

Debtor Class Batch form is used to insert, update and delete Debtor Specific Prices or Debtor Classification Prices. Prices can be set one debtor or one classification at a time or for all debtors or all debtor classifications.


1. Inventory  Utilities Price Updates Debtor Class Batch
2. Select range required from the grid by clicking the search lookup arrow for each column
3. Update Mode - select the required from the list
4. Update For - an individual debtor OR select a debtor classification OR All Debtors OR All Classifications. When limiting to a single debtor or classification. select required record from the lookup search arrow
5. Pricing Details - Select the Source from the list
6. Pricing Details - Select the Mode from the list
7. Amount - enter the value of the increase or decrease
8. Start Date - enter the start date for which the price becomes effective
9. End Date - enter finish date where the price ceases to be applicable
10. If Updating or Deleting - enter the start and finish dates as required and the required operation e.g. >=
11. Click Process to perform changes or Close to cancel operation
12. Repeat as required

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