You are here: Inventory > Price Updates > Sell Price Batch

Sell Price Batch

This form is used to update the Selling Price and Forward Date Selling Prices 1 through 10 for the entire inventory or for a selected range. These Selling Prices can be included as Pricing Elements in a Pricing Scheme in their own and could also be the basis for Debtor Specific and Debtor Classification pricing.

Where the Source is RRP Price, the price is calculated as Selling Price is Tax Inclusive of GST


1. Inventory Utilities Price Updates Sell Price Batch
2. Select required ranges from the grid by the lookup search arrows
3. Tick to update the Selling Prices or Forward Date Selling Prices or both check boxes
4. Select the correct Update Date
5. Tick the required P1 - P10 check boxes for the prices to be updated
6. Source - select from the list box

7. Mode - Select from the list box.

8. Amount - type in the dollar or percentage value, if the value is to decrease use a minus in front of the value
9. Click on the Process button to perform changes or Close to cancel operation

The status bar in the form shows th number of records updated

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