You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Maintenance > Transaction Detail

Transaction detail

Displays the inward only transaction history of each inventory item. For all movements use Transaction History under the Order . Tick to display all inwards records and to restrict transactions to a particular warehouse.

Field Description
Date In The date which the stock was received in to warehouse
Quantity In Quantity of stock received per transaction
Cost Unit cost of stock for each transaction
Serial Number Serial numbers if entered
SOH Quantity of available stock on hand from this transaction ie. if some stock has been allocated to back orders, there may still be stock left over for immediate sale
Allocated The quantity of stock per transaction that has already been allocated
Special Price If a special price for this transaction is required, this price can be entered here
Expiry Date If the item has been set-up to use expiry dates, then this information is populated into the grid with stock is received or transferred in. Expiry dates can be amended if required
Bin Location A bin location can be selected from the lookup search arrow
Reference If there is a reference related to the stock transaction, it will be shown in this field
Comment Comments may be added to each transaction line in this field
Show Zero Values Tick this box if the user requires zero value transactions to be displayed
SOH/Free Shows the total available stock on hand
Specific Warehouse The transaction details can display all warehouses or a specific warehouse if this box is ticked


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