You are here: Creditors > Purchases, Payments & Adjustments > Payments > NewCheque Payment

New Cheque Payments 


To create a new Cheque payment or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) payment;

1. Creditors   Payments   Cheque Payments
2. Click New
3. Set up the selection criteria for the form - specific or all creditors, bank account, due date, cheque or EFT.  Refer to Defining the Form for more information. 
3. - click to display data lines that meet the criteria range entered 

Once the form has been saved, the criteria cannot be changed.   The form must be cancelled and a new form created to enter different criteria  

4. Depending on system settings, double-click with the right mouse button over the Discounted Amount or FX Discounted Amount column to pay the total amount owing  or type in amount to be paid.

If system setting AutoFullPayChequePayments the payment amount will be inserted automatically, type over the amount or delete it if the invoice is not to be paid.   
5. Save.  Once the payment slip has been saved the screen is refreshed to display only those data lines with payments recorded.  Lines cannot be added or deleted after saving, however payment details can be edited.
6. Activate to post the cheques payments
7. Print remittance advices.

 If you can’t create a new ‘cheque’ type payment form – i.e. that option can’t be enabled, then a unactivated ‘cheque’ type batch exists.  The system will not permit more than one unactivated cheque type to exist.  Activate that batch and a new ‘cheque’ type batch can be created

The cheque payments form remains open and available for edit until it is activated. To change the payment details (Refer to Changing Cheque Payments)

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Changing Cheque Payments

Activating Cheque Payments

Foreign Exchange Cheque Payments

Reprinting Cheques, Assigning new cheque numbers